Digitally Im quite rubbish, but after a few late nights of dabbling I came up with these. The images were made in photoshop for a project Im doing in Uni based on an article called "How To Write A Love Letter" I didnt make much atually with photoshop as I used alot of my own hand drawn stuff scanned in but I pieced them all other and added colour etc, hope to have some more stuff once I get over my lazyness.

hello lady marmalade! i am the first to comment on your little blog. its looking good and it will grow in time.
Hello there Lady Marmalade! I am dissapointed not to leave your first comment but I will recover in time. It's looking good, i'm liking your love letters, is that for photoshop? I hope you finish in time and don't have to stay up to late tonight. See you tommorrow! X
well hello Inspector Marmalade, this is a cunning disguise ; ) nice work mrs
ali x
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