Hooray! 2 editorial images only... 3 to go? Argh.
The first is for a Bill Oddie interview, in it hes just talking about his garden an how he has all these random objects like glitter balls, plastic figures, gnomes, cat statues and wind chimes that are suppost to deter wild animals but it just ends up attracting them instead. I thought it was quite a nice interview so illustrated it. The second is for a article called "lets celebrate Darwin" from the new scientist magazine that talks about creationism and the Evolution Weekend that tries to bring creationists and scienctists together. I was drawn to the title but the article was rather interesting so I ended up illustrating it also.
I am very happy with the Darwin image but I think Mr Oddie needs abit more work, but that can wait alittle while ^_^
I like the drawing on these two pieces(especially the Darwin one:D)I can imagine these working in an editorial article nicely:D
its a shame the rats didnt quite turn out as nicely in the printout version as they do on screen because they're one of my favourite things on the image and thought they look ace:D
maybe they might work better on heaver paper maybe or something?
P.S. saw this and though6t you might like it:
i did actually leave one or two comments on your blog at the beginning of last week! where did they go? just to say i really think the darwin image works really well. i think your carbon paper work is great with the layers you create on potatochop. dx.
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